Anjilichakka (artocarpus-hirsutus-the-wild-jack-fruit ) is a common fruit found on anjili tree in kerala. Normally this anjili tree is very tall so to get the fruit fro the tree is bit difficult. In some are we can see small anjili tree and that can be brought down with the help of a stick. The fruits not selling in market and the stem of this tree used for houses and furniture.
.Chambanga (bell fruit )
Chakka (Jack fruit)
Jack fruit is a very common fruits available widely in south Indian states. It is a best food to eat raw, fruit and it is now available as juice.
Cashew Fruit ( cashew Fruit)Cashew fruit is grows along with cashew nut. The taste of this fruit is awesome with slitter bitter and
sweetness. The Pickles and summer drinks area available made out of cashew fruit. In the old time people ignored this fruit but it has high demand.Ilumbi puli
It is a type of tamarind growing in a small tress. This too can have with pinch of slat to get the unforgettable taste. It is has a great taste and used for pickle preparation.
Chambanga is available every houses in Kerala and some area is selling in market. Champanga is favorite fruit for all. It is good fun to have it with a pinch of salt. Now Champanga pickles are available in shops prepared buy house wife’s at home.